ORLANDO, Fla. - (Jan. 26, 2022) - Today at the PGA Show, The PGA of America announced the 2021 National Special Award Winners. The 13 Special Award Winners were unveiled during the 2022 PGA Show’s Opening Ceremony today at the Orange County Convention Center. New Jersey's own Bryan DeMarco, PGA Head Golf Professional at Pine Barrens Golf Club, was one of the 13 Award Winners recognized and honored today.
“This year’s outstanding class of National Awards recipients are inspiring those involved with the game of golf and the advancement of PGA Professionals throughout our industry,” said PGA President Jim Richerson. “The PGA of America is proud to recognize their accomplishments, as they reflect the incredible expertise and talent throughout our Association. From nearly 28,000 PGA Professionals, these 13 recipients are at the forefront, reflecting a standard of success for all of us to emulate and admire.”
The Deacon Palmer Award, named after Arnold Palmer's Father, is given to a PGA Professional who personally displays outstanding integrity, character and leadership, in the effort to overcome a major obstacle in their life. This individual is an unsung hero/heroine at their facility and in their community, who serve to inspire, empower and assist others, both inside and outside of the game. DeMarco, who was named the New Jersey PGA's Deacon Palmer Award Winner in 2021, was diagnosed with testicular cancer at the early age of 21. After many tests and treatments, the cancer went into remission and DeMarco resumed his normal lifestyle. In 2016, 15 years after the cancer went into remission, the Pine Barrens Head Golf Professional found an alarming lump on his body. After additional testing, doctors would declare DeMarco in the one percentile to have a recurrence within 10 years. After 4 aggressive cycles of chemotherapy, Bryan would be declared to once again, be in partial remission.
"You would've never know anything was going on with Bryan while he was at work unless you asked him" said fellow PGA Professional and close friend, Rudy Virga. "He didn't miss a beat, his character was above reproach. He exemplified everything that this award stands for not only at work but more importantly, in life. Personal issues that he had in his life, if anyone else would've been in his shoes, they would've buried themselves in a corner but he grabbed them with both hands and said, "I'm going to get through this". I've learned from Bryan because you think you've gone through a lot in life until you see a person like that handle that kind of adversity".
Bryan continues to give back, having raised over $30,000 for the New Jersey Golf Foundation, the charitable arm of the New Jersey PGA, through his seven years presiding over the Pine Barrens Member-Guest-Professional Tournament. Additionally, Bryan has been an active supporter of Arnie's Army Foundation and Arnold Palmer Enterprises. He also is an active supporter of DetecTogether, a foundation dedicated to early detection of Cancers. He believes that if he is able to help just one person through his endeavors, it is all worth it.
"I couldn't think of a better person to win this award than Bryan", added Jason Lamp, Head Golf Professional at Galloway National and close friend to DeMarco. "The whole time he was facing all of this adversity, he never once said, "Woe is me. Why did it happen to me again?". He was more on the lines, we're going to beat this, we're going to conquer this again, and he really relied on his friends for support. It's all very admirable".
"The bottom line is, you keep putting one foot in front of the other. You never quit" said DeMarco when asked what he's learned from his bouts with cancer. "You keep going, keep pushing ahead. Just keep smiling".
DeMarco has done just that, keep smiling, keep pushing ahead, never quit. Anybody who knows DeMarco can tell you that his smile is unforgettable. He is simply an outstanding person.
The New Jersey PGA and New Jersey Golf Foundation is extremely proud of Bryan DeMarco and are happy to support him in being named the 2021 National Deacon Palmer Award Recipient.
Congratulations Bryan!
The 2021 PGA of America National Awards are scheduled to be presented on Nov. 1, as part of the 2022 PGA Annual Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona. The Herb Graffis Award will be presented during the Annual Meeting content that week as well.
Click HERE to watch Bryan's Deacon Palmer Award Video
Click HERE for bios of the 2022 National Awards recipients.
About the PGA of America
The PGA of America is one of the world’s largest sports organizations, composed of nearly 28,000 PGA Professionals who work daily to grow interest and inclusion in the game of golf. For more information about the PGA of America, visit PGA.com and follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.