Team New Jersey earned its first Pritsch Cup victory in four years with a 10-8 win against the Philadelphia Section at Essex Fells Country Club.
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Team Philadelphia held the title for the past three years. Team New Jersey now helds a 9-2-1 record against the Philadelphia squad. Team New Jersey won this event the first eight years.
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Team New Jersey swept the girls competition and won six singles and four four-ball matches.
This tournament is in memory of Jon M. Pritsch, a 17-year-old who passed away in May 1991. Pritsch was recognized as a nationally ranked competitive golfer before his passing.
This was the 12th edition of the Pritsch Cup, which is mirrored as a Ryder Cup style match play event. It brings together the top 12 juniors in the New Jersey and Philadelphia Section.
Each year, both the Philadelphia and New Jersey Section rotate as hosts. The Philadelphia Section will host next year.
Team New Jersey
James Bagdonas
Antoine Chouraqui
Anjali Dhayagude
Tyler Galantini
Jason Lee
Austin Liao
Hunter Po
Paul Ulanich
Brandon Valvano
Derek Weaver
Isaiah Williams
Kaia Wu